Tajano competition

November 19th. 2016 Taekwondo club Taoyuan held a club match. The event Kaunas Milikonys primary school 1 rd 2 rd, 3rd class, students and members of the club. The winners received diplomas. It was fun. Hopefully next year guests from other club.

Also Taekwondo Club Taoyuan conducted taekwondo belt exam to get.
A list of club members who have passed the exam:


Yellow belt:

  1. Domas Pivoras

Yellow with green belt:

2. Daumantas Kondratavičius
3. Mantas Butkus
4. Augustinas Jerešiūnas
5. Eigintas Mikuckis
6. Augustas Petrilionis
7. Mantas Purlys
8. Radvilė Babachinaitė
9. Emilis Babachinas

Green belt:

  1. Matas Janušauskas
  2.  Matas Juškevičius

Green with a blue belt:

  1. Nojus Tavoras

Blue belt:

  1. Dovydas Šlimas
  2.  Kamilė Dapkevičiūte

Red with a black belt::

  1. Povilas Morkūnas
  2.  Justinas Kybartas

Exam is taken by Tadas Janušauskas Taekwondo fourth dan holder.



There will be more!


Our club athletes this weekend on November 12 took part in taekwondo competitions – Vilnius Cup 2016. All valiantly fought, fared particularly well:

Ugnė Janušauskaitei won 1st place, defeated two opponents – Ruse and Belarusians!

Mantas Budrys managed to take 2nd place, broke the Russians, but lost the Latvian!

Justin Kybartas though lost the very feel up a Russian, but won the 3rd place!

Next on our trip will be in Germany, Reutlingen – Crete Cup. Very strong tournament in which an average of twenty countries coming athletes. In our club rides Ugnė Janušauskaitė, Mantas Budrys, Orest Žiupsnys, Mantas Butkus. Paul Morkūnas, Justinas Kybartas David Slim.
Wish them good luck!!

There will be more …!


LTF summer camp

17-23nd of July official LTF summer camp took place. Here athletes and guests from Latvia, Estonia and all Lithuanian clubs were training and resting.
Exercises were distributed depending on athelets capabilities. There was a traditional (DAN) black belt exam.

10 people from our club participated in LTF summer camp.

Orestas Žiupsnys, Mantas Budrys and Ugnė Janušauskaitė all passed the exam and wore black belts.
Couch Tadas Janušauskas got 4th DAN sertificate.

1st of August Taekwondo club Tajanas are inviting everyone to camp in Latežeris. (6km. from Druskininkai). IT WILL BE FUN!


Orestas Žiupsnys, Mantas Budrys and Ugnė Janušauskaitė all passed the exam and wore black belts.
Couch Tadas Janušauskas got 4th DAN sertificate.
