Tajano competition

November 19th. 2016 Taekwondo club Taoyuan held a club match. The event Kaunas Milikonys primary school 1 rd 2 rd, 3rd class, students and members of the club. The winners received diplomas. It was fun. Hopefully next year guests from other club.

Also Taekwondo Club Taoyuan conducted taekwondo belt exam to get.
A list of club members who have passed the exam:


Yellow belt:

  1. Domas Pivoras

Yellow with green belt:

2. Daumantas Kondratavičius
3. Mantas Butkus
4. Augustinas Jerešiūnas
5. Eigintas Mikuckis
6. Augustas Petrilionis
7. Mantas Purlys
8. Radvilė Babachinaitė
9. Emilis Babachinas

Green belt:

  1. Matas Janušauskas
  2.  Matas Juškevičius

Green with a blue belt:

  1. Nojus Tavoras

Blue belt:

  1. Dovydas Šlimas
  2.  Kamilė Dapkevičiūte

Red with a black belt::

  1. Povilas Morkūnas
  2.  Justinas Kybartas

Exam is taken by Tadas Janušauskas Taekwondo fourth dan holder.



There will be more!
